Thursday, January 24, 2008

Knitting Slump...arrrgh.

Back in November, I declared my knitting slump over... well.....I was wrong. Still haven't done any since that toddler hat. (But I did finish it...even though this photo doesn't prove it.)

I was in my local Starbucks this morning with my grandson, he was wearing his hat, and the girl behind the counter said: "Oooooh...that is the cutest beanie I've ever seen."

Whooosh! Ego, ego, ego! Thanks!

Followed by guilt, guilt, guilt...gotta get knittin'!

Now the big knitter hasn't slipped a stitch, so to speak, hasn't missed a beat in his knitting even with all the holiday hoopla going on about him.

He has a half dozen blankets in process. And some of them are getting BIG! I will get some photos soon to show them off. Some are quite wonderful.

In my little bear store, we have carried a small supply of Cascade yarn for people to make bear sweaters, and felted bears, and little bear accessories. I do have a small following of bear makers who are knitters. But not really big enough to support alot of yarn. So I put some of it out on ebay and have sold some already.

I'm getting ready for an artist signing in the bear store in March. So I decided to have a raffle for charity in conjunction with the signing. I'm giving all proceeds to the Academy For Cancer Wellness, a really wonderful organization here in Tucson that provides assistance to cancer patients and their families. They are raising money so they can start a fund for underinsured patients. This little raffle will hopefully help a bit.


Diane said...

Nothing like having a stranger comment on a hand knit item to get you back to knitting. I do socks for my grandsons and everyone comments to their mom about them.

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