Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So much yarn...not enough lifetimes

I often wonder (now that we're finished with the stash-enhancing tour) just how long it would take me to knit up every skein of yarn in my stash...a year? two? More??? Arrgh! I simply cannot think about it in terms of hours or days, not even projects...surely I would never walk into a yarn shop again I would feel so defeated.

No, I think the best way to approach ones' yarn stash is to realize that a portion of this stash will most likely never be knitted up, at least not by me. Undoubtedly, I will lose interest in a some of these projects before they get near the needles.

Just like certain teddy bears in my store... they're filler on the shelves and help create an inviting atmosphere in the store. But the reality is, some may never find a home. Or they might be donated for charity events or given away as gifts.

Some of my yarn will be used similarly. I just got two very nice thank you notes from Wooly Wonders and the Knitting Ladies program for the yarn/needles I donated to them. Both are excellent causes. And an excellent way to de-stash without guilt.

1 comment:

T-Mom said...

You know, somewhere--maybe Knits or Vogue Knitting--I read an essay about stashes. The person suggested we accumulated stashes not because we expect we can knit all that yarn, but because we love the yarn. We are, in essence, collectors of yarn, as some people collect tea cups or teddy bears. This made immediate sense to me and I started finding ways of displaying my collection, because I have some really beautiful yarns. So don't feel defeated about your yarn habit--revel in it!