Saturday, March 24, 2007

On The Road

We have been visiting Lovely Las Vegas for the past week. One thing I can say about Las Vegas casinos is: some people win and most people don't. We didn't.
The other thing I can say is: there's lots of smoking here. I swear everything we own is smokey smelling, eeeyuckk.
But we did have a wonderful buffet lunch at the Wynn. And we got to spend some quality time with our daughter. And we did help her move from one apartment to another.
And I did get to see this:

It's looks so natural in this setting, does it not? There is nothing so lovely as a fake pine tree cell tower in your back yard. (The black dot above is an artifact, not a UFO)
We haven't even had time to look for knitting stores here, what with helping our daughter move, etc.
Next week, we will be on to Northern California, and hopefully to resume our search for the perfect yarn.

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